
Twins Together: Leo and Luna TF/TG/AR/MC (Trade)

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Trade with Jamie260397 (

"Happy birthday, you two!" Brian said as he handed over his gift.

"Thanks, Brian!" Christine said as she took the gift.

"Let's get it out of this thing!" Charlie said as he started tearing at it.

"Take it easy, Charlie," Christine said to him, "there's no need to rush!"

Charlie and Christine were twins in high school, and today was their birthday. It was homeroom period, which gave their friend Brian plenty of time to hand over his gift.

"I know you guys like the older stuff," Brian said, "so I scoured Amazon for something to suit your tastes!"

Opening the box, Charlie and Christine took out a pair of game boxes.

"Aw, sweet," Christine said, excitedly, "You got us Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator for the DS! We missed out on this one!"

"And you got us two!" Charlie said, examining the box.

"Glad you guys like it!" Brian said happily.

Charlie and Christine were, as you can see, big fans of Yu-Gi-Oh!, ever since they were young. It was a show they both enjoyed equally, which really helped them get along so well as they grew up! Since they first saw it, they've been scouring for the merchandise the franchise always put out, and even if they came out with horrible stuff every so often, they still enjoyed what they got! You should see their card collections…

But they never got the chance to play the game Brian was handing them, which happened to be based off of the 5D's spin-off of the anime series. It introduced a whole new set of characters and everything, but of course the characters that got them hooked were Leo and Luna. They just really connected with the characters because like them, they were twins, and twins who deeply cared for each other! Even the personalities kind of matched up!

And they'd heard that the characters were in this game, so now that they had it, they were pleased.

"Thanks again, Brian," Christine said, "I still can't believe you got these games!"

"What made you think to get games this old?" Charlie asked.

"If you focus on the recent stuff too much," Brian responded, "you'll never complete your collection!"

"Yeah, that makes sense I guess…" Charlie said.

"Too bad Giovanni couldn't be here…" Christine said, a bit sadly.

"Don't worry," Brian said, "he'll be back from Italy next month, and I'm sure he has your gifts already wrapped in wrapping paper by now!"

One Month Later

"Aw, crap, I forgot their birthdays!"

Giovanni was finally back from his trip to Italy, and now that he was done unpacking and… ready to continue with life tomorrow, he wasn't thinking about anything back in America during his trip, and completely forgot about Charlie and Christine. He only knew now because his iPad alerted him about it, and he didn't bring it on the trip, so…

"Well, I gotta get something fast!"

Giovanni grabbed his wallet, made sure it contained the right currency, and ran outside.

He ran as quickly as he could to the nearest mall (because he couldn't drive yet), to find whatever he could for the twins to enjoy. He wasn't quite sure what to get them, but he knew he'd figure it out once he got there.

He just had to stay low in case they also happened to be there.

Once he finally made it, he took a few deep breaths to recover before walking inside. He'd have a lot of ground to cover…

Walking around, he passed many different stores selling things like clothes, shoes, chocolates, there was one selling pets… the usual mall stuff. But he knew he had to be better than this.

He decided to give Brian a call, and play it off like he wasn't here.

"Hello?" he heard when the phone finally answered.

"Hey Brian," Giovanni said, "I just got back from vacation!"

"Oh, sweet!" Brian said, "So how was Italy?"


One Long Conversation Later

"Well, I'm just glad you're back with us," Brian said, "Charlie and Christine couldn't wait to see you back!"

"Same here," Giovanni replied, "and didn't they turn seventeen last month?"

"They sure did, and they were pretty upset to not have you there with them."

"Well, I'm sure they still had a good day. What did you get them?"

"Oh, um… I got them a Yu-Gi-Oh! game for the DS, I knew they were big fans of the series and missed out on the game."

"Okay then, I'm sure they're enjoying it! Well, I need to…"

"What did you get for them? I bet they're dying to see it!"

Giovanni tugged his collar a bit and made sure to hide his mistake."

"Well… it's a surprise," he said, "I won't let anyone know until they have it!"

"That makes sense," Brian responded, "Well, I'll see you soon!"

"Later Bry!"

"Never call me that again…"

Giovanni hung up his cell phone and continued through the store. He felt kind of screwed, because he shopped frequently and never once saw anything related to the franchise being sold.

"Damn it… who even sells Yu-Gi-Oh! stuff anymore?"

"Who's it for?"

Giovanni stopped in his tracks and took a quick glance around for whoever said that. But no one appeared to be talking to him.

"Behind you."

Turning around, he did see someone: a man with a black cloak on at the corner of the room, hiding behind an array of fake plants. It was a stretch, but he was staring directly at Giovanni.

At first, he was hesitant to walk up to him, but what could he really do to him at a public mall? He walked up, keeping both of their presences unknown.

"You were talking to me?" Giovanni asked.

"Certainly," the man said, "and I've noticed you were looking for something."

"Uh… well, I have these friends, and they're twins celebrating a birthday together, and I don't have…"

"Twins?" the man interrupted, "And you said you were looking for something Yu-Gi-Oh! related?"

"Uh… yes."

The man stroked his long white beard for a second before responding.

"Okay," he finally said, "I have just the thing!"

He reached into one of his cloak pockets and pulled out a couple of cards, which Giovanni assumed were trading cards.

"These should do," the man said, as he handed Giovanni the cards.

"Woah, thanks!" Giovanni said, "You really think they'll like these?"

"Of course they will!" the man said, "These are special edition imports from Japan, and I'm sure they'll have a huge impact on them!"

"What, like their collections?"

"Uh… I guess you could say that. And it'll only cost $20!"

"That sounds a little absurd."

"Japanese imports."

"Oh yeah… of course!"

Giovanni paid up before sticking the cards in his pocket. After shaking hands with the man, he walked away from him, and made his way out of the mall. And the man just sat there, chuckling to himself over the cards he sold as he took a pen and paper out from his other pocket.

The Next Day

"You're not winning this time!" Charlie said to Christine.

"That sentence means less than your cards," Christine shot back.

Charlie and Christine were now in the middle of a versus match in the game they'd received last month. They've been battling each other all month, and enjoying the hell out of it!

They wanted to make teams in the game based off of Leo's and Luna's cards in the game, not just for… the obvious reasons, but also to fulfill the IRL collections they never completed. Their Yu-Gi-Oh! card collections were never actually that big, so they had to use the game to emulate the card collections of Leo and Luna. They had to because they could never find the missing cards for them…

As they battled, they heard a ring of the doorbell. They stopped for a bit so they could go and answer, since they were all alone today.

Opening the door, there was no one there… just a wrapped box at the doorstep.

"Ah, sweet," Charlie said, "I think it's from Giovanni!"

"I do too," Christine responded, "Let's take it inside!"

Placing the box, which happened to be relatively light, on the table in their dining room, they tore off the wrapping paper to see what was inside.

On top of the box opening was an envelope, which they opened up to find a little birthday card. One of those blank ones with a picture on the cover.

"Dear Charlie and Christine, I'm sorry I wasn't with you when you turned 17, and I'm sorry I couldn't keep in touch with you guys in Italy. But I hope these cards will make up for it! Happy birthday, twins, and make sure to stay together! -Giovanni"

"He got us cards?" Charlie said, "I didn't know they were still being sold!"

"Wait," Christine said, "you don't think…"

The two of them looked at each other in suspense. If Giovanni was thoughtful enough to get cards, surely he'd do research beforehand, meaning he'd know of the twins on the show…

"Well," Christine said, "might as well take them out and see if they're the cards we need."

"Okay…" Charlie said.

They slowly dug into the box for the cards, until they each got a hold of one. They couldn't see the energy from the cards entering them through their hands…

Pulling their arms out, they examined the cards they had.

"Uh…" Charlie mumbled, "I have Hanewata. Leo's team doesn't…"

"That completes Luna's team!" Christine said excitedly.

"Oh, sweet!" Charlie said, "What do you have?"

"Cyber Dragon."

"That's the card I needed!"

"Perfect! So should we…"


Christine stepped back a bit, as Charlie fell onto his knees in pain, and held onto his head.

"Charlie?" Christine said, a bit scared, "What's going ON!?"

Christine fell over as well, as she felt the same pain hitting her right in the head.

The two of them would've reacted further, but before they could, they both blacked out.

They laid on the ground like that for a while, the dark energy from the cards flowing through their bodies, and even into their clothes through their pores, dormant like a virus waiting to strike.

And then it did strike.

Their whole bodies began to shrink in size. They didn't shrink much, but enough for the clothes they were wearing to look much bigger on them before. In addition, their bodies were shortening down, as their arms, legs, and torsos started to lose a decent amount of height. Their hands and feet got hidden in their pants and sleeves and by the time it ended, their modest heights of 5'6" and 5'8" each had shrunken down to a short 4'9", and when combined with the shrinking, they each looked at least three years younger than before.

Once that was through, their hands began to alter. Charlie's hands were slimming down much more, especially his fingers, as they became much more slender and delicate than before. In addition, his fingernails were lengthening out a bit, as blue-green nail polish was applied to them. Christine's hands were going through almost the opposite changes, as her delicate fingers bulked out a tad, as did her hands, and her fingernails shortened back. A few minor touches later, and their hands looked almost like they were switched with each other.

After that, their arms looked like they were going through the same changes. Charlie's arms were slendering down, as some of the fat there softened or chipped away and much of the muscle weakened and shrunk. In addition, the body hair growing on his arms was receding back into them, until he was left with much smoother skin on his much more feminine arms. Christine's arms were bulking out a bit, as she picked up just enough fat and muscle for her arms to look much more masculine than before.

As the changes moved to their torsos, a lot of movement was happening inside. Their shoulders started to crack, as Charlie's were shoved inwards more, and Christine's outwards more. In addition, the fat in their torsos was shifting, as Charlie's fat shifted up from his stomach up to his chest. As his stomach caved in a bit, the fat in his chest began to push out from him just a bit, to form two small, developing breasts. Christine went through the opposite changes, as her breasts shrunk back into her and the fat from them shifted downwards to her stomach, which bulked out just enough that it would be in line with her chest. And of course, the body hair on Charlie's torso receded back like it was never there.

Once that finished, their shirts began changing as well. Their shirts shrunk down in size and changed shape a bit to fit their new torsos, and once they did, they thickened out more and then separated there into a second layer. Each second layer opened up down the middle and changed colors, Charlie's light pink and Christine's white, and a few changes later, they were short-sleeved jackets, opened up. Underneath, the layer that remained changed color, Charlie's red and Christine's dark blue. Golden markings formed on each shirt, with many differences. Charlie's shirt then lengthened out a little past his jacket, while Christine's lengthened out a bit but then separated there. The section that was cut off on each arm moved to her wrists, where they thickened out and changed color to black and white bracelets.

Next to change was their hips, as Charlie's expanded out a bit more and Christine's shrunk back a bit. Charlie's legs then lost their body hair as some of the fat being stored in them shifted up to his thighs, which flared out a bit, and once his muscle weakened, he was left with much more slender legs. Christine's legs, of course, went the opposite route, as the fat from her thighs gradually shifted downwards to keep it even in her whole legs, and her muscle strengthened to the point of removing any signs of her legs once being feminine. Their feet were next, and they changed the same ways their hands did, as Charlie's feet and toes slendered a bit and Christine's bulked out a bit. And of course, Charlie's toenails lengthened out a bit as blue-green polish was applied, and Christine's shortened down and lost the polish applied.

At their rears, the fat contents changed according to the genders they would soon develop, as Charlie's gained enough soft fat for it to stick out, and Christine's lost some. And in front, Charlie's privates retreated back into him and shifted into the opposite gender's, which officially rendered him as a girl. Christine's privates, on the other hand, closed up as new masculine ones formed on top, and with a few inside changes, her privates had also shifted to the opposite gender, which rendered her as a boy.

And now, the rest of their clothes were changing. Their pants shrunk down to fit their new legs and shortened down into shorts, as the material changed into those of most khakis. Charlie's changed color to light purple and Christine's to white, as a belt formed around their waists with buckles colored accordingly to their shirts. Their shoes and socks then shrunk to fit them, as Charlie's socks lengthened up a decent amount and gained a yellow stripe by the ends. Christine's socks gained a similar stripes, but shortened down to the length of her ankles. Their shoes also changed in color schemes as their laces were swapped out for a buckle system by their ankles. Charlie's were now pink and light pink, while Christine's were blue and white.

Their necks shrunk and slendered a little, as a bump formed in Christine's neck and one was removed from Charlie's. Once Christine's new Adam's apple was finished forming, their heads started to change. Both of their mouths shrunk down a bit, and while Charlie's nose shrunk down a bit, Christine's grew out a bit. Their eyes expanded in size a great amount, as they rounded out almost to complete circular shapes, while their irises did the same and changed color to gray-gold. Finally, their hair was undergoing big changes, as Charlie's set of short brown hair and Christine's set of long black hair each lightened to blue-green. From there, Charlie's hair lengthened down the sides of his head a good amount as Christine's shortened a bit, white on each side of both of their faces, shoulder-length bangs grew from their hair. At their forehead, more bangs formed, angling down the middle. And lastly, the sets of hair at the sides of Charlie's head were pulled into high ponytails at either side of her, held by black hairbands, while Christine's hair down his back was pulled into one high ponytail at the back of his head.

The main changes had officially completed, and the twins had become the physical embodiments of the fictional ones they'd been comparing themselves to. Just swapped.

But they were still out cold, and their minds were blacking out…memories of their lives, their personalities, each other, it all began to fade away in favor of completely new ones…

And once their new minds activated, their unconscious states were reduced to mere slumbers. Charlie woke up after a while, only she was laying in a bed in a completely different room.

"Did I wear my clothes to bed last night?" she said, feeling fairly embarrassed.

She got up from her bed and brushed off her clothes. She wanted to change into something a bit neater, but she had little time, because she had a tournament to make it to in a few.

She prepared her cards and quickly went to wake her brother up, before he overslept again. He was a hassle, but she knew they wouldn't function properly separated!

Brian walked around the school halls the next day, looking across every hallway he came by.

"Hey, Brian!" he heard from behind.

Turning around, Giovanni was walking over to him.

"Oh, Giovanni!" Brian said, excitedly, "I haven't seen you since…"

"Well, you heard from me a few days ago," Giovanni interrupted, "so I don't think we need to break into conversation."

"Okay then… hey, have you seen the twins anywhere recently?"

"Oh! That's what I was about to bring up."

Giovanni reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper folded up to pocket size. He handed it to Brian, who opened it up and read it through.

"They have to leave the country?," Brian said, "Well that's really sudden, but… this handwriting looks a bit too sloppy."

"They were probably in a hurry to leave," Giovanni said, "I found this under their doormat."

"That's a real shame… I hope they're okay…"

"Ah, they're the most caring twins ever, they'll be fine as long as they're together!"
Back with another trade. I'm digging these multi-TGs, even if they are taking a while to make!

This one was pretty interesting. Anyone who read my guide knows that dialogue is a great element, but I feel like when it came to twins, I sort of underutilized it… still, I had plenty of enjoyment writing this one, especially when it came to the transformations! The plot could've been a bit better, I guess, but I'm not sure how I could've improved it… but hey, we have clueless characters now! What else matters anymore?

So enjoy another one of my many trades incoming and back then, however you wanna phrase that, and I hope you're ready for a slew of multi-TFs coming sooner or later!

Jamie260397's story:

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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is ©4K Media Inc.
© 2015 - 2024 CrazyNaut
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h300's avatar

Mind Note: Not buy anything from strange peoples ... Nobody knows how you becomes ... hehehe...