
Switching the Perspective: Lillie and Nebby TF/TG

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“Wait, what?! How'd you get a copy this early?!”

“Didn't you hear? Nintendo said they'd send out early copies for the fans to beta test!”

“Hmm? Beta test? What features in a remake would need that much extra testing with?”

“I don't know, a lot of them apparently… but I do know that one is supposed to be some sort of co-op mode!”

“Woah! How does that even work?!”

“Who knows? Who cares? It's Pokémon! You coming?”

“I'm coming over now! Get your Switch ready for me, Peter!”

“Can do! Later, Gab!”

Peter then hung up the Skype call and turned on his Nintendo Switch, ready as he'd ever be to get into this.

Just like he told his friend Gab, Peter had gotten selected among a lucky few through a My Nintendo reward to receive an early copy of Pokémon Stars for the Nintendo Switch. After the game had been announced, Nintendo revealed that they had plenty of extra features and hidden surprises to attract even the players who were already deeply invested in the 3DS games; so much so that they decided to trust the fans with receiving a production copy of the game to test these features out.

Obviously Nintendo didn't spoil any of the new features, besides the co-op mode that they barely commented on. Peter wasn't convinced into buying a remake without the full explanations, but this was free, so why not? Plus his friend Gab was crazy about that thing, and he knew she'd be more than ecstatic to try the game out, especially since she missed out on the reward and didn't own a Switch. So, Peter was pretty much her only chance…

Whatever the case, Pokémon was her favorite franchise and his new semi-obsession, and they were both excited to see how their teams looked in HD.

“Now to boot it up!” Peter eagerly said to himself as he put the cartridge in, “This'd better be worth slogging through all those tutorials again…”

The game took a relatively short time to boot up, at least for a game of its size. The game’s intro certainly looked crisp enough in 720p, and before long he was on the beautifully rendered main menu.

Before actually starting, he made sure to get everything else set up. He still lacked a screen protector, so he first released the system’s kickstand that you're not supposed to kick and put it up on the comfiest table he had. He then grabbed a couple of chairs and put them where they'd sit, hoping it wouldn't be too distracting to sit at. Once that was done, he released the Joy-Cons and hit +.

After picking English as his language, he was prompted with a feature he'd never seen in the original release before.

“Uh, ‘Perspective Switch’?” he read, “Is that supposed to be a beta thing, or…”

The game provided no explanation to what the mode was, and Peter didn't want to look it up because he was scared he wouldn't find the answer and run into a spoiler to one of the other features. He was definitely skeptical about it, but he figured that when the full game comes out he'd be better off knowing what it is so he can pick smartly. With that in mind, he selected ‘Yes’ and heard the Switch sound effect play.

“Heh… Perspective Switch.”

And then he was greeted to a much more interesting option: the ability to play as either a default trainer or one of the NPC’s.

“Holy Arceus!” Peter said with growing excitement, “Wasn't expecting that! What do we have?”

Selecting the latter option, he was greeted to a selection of pretty much every character in the game with an established name and a Pokémon. Oddly enough it started with the last Trainers he saw and went down from there, probably as some sort of difficulty thing… and naturally, Peter scrolled all the way to the right just to see what else he could pick from.

And at the very end of the list with the highest difficulty rating was none other than Lillie.

“Heh… this supposed to be an impossible mode or something?” he laughed just thinking about it, “Whatever, I'm picking it!”

After selecting it, he was ten prompted with selecting either single-player or the co-op mode he was promised. Naturally, he selected the co-op mode before being told to assign each player with a controller.

“Freaking $80 Pro Controller…” Peter mumbled as he put down the right Joy-Con, “hope she doesn't mind using the centered analog stick…”

Turning the left Joy-Con onto its side, he pressed ► and waited for the system to load. A text box then appeared at the bottom that said the game was loading, with progress starting at 0%.

And just as Peter finished reading that, his Joy-Con shocked his hands.

“AGH!” he yelped as he dropped it, “Geez, how many malfunctions does this thing have?!”

He shook his hands to release the slight pain and watched for a few seconds as the progress never creeped past 0%. This'd probably take a while.

“I should… probably get some gloves just in case,” he said to himself as he walked into the other room where he kept them. He didn't want to call the hang-out off but he definitely wasn't ready to use the Joy-Cons again without protection.

As he usually would, he opened the drawer and quickly took his gloves from it before slipping them on and closing the drawer with his knee. He then started to walk back to the room he came from.

But as he did, he couldn't help but feel that his gloves felt a bit small on him.

“Huh… are these different sizes? Could've sworn I only keep large ones in that drawer…”

He slipped the gloves off, only to stare in surprise at his hands. They suddenly seemed a lot smaller, a lot whiter, and a lot more delicate than they did just a moment ago. His nails had also grown out a bit more, and the shape of his hands gave a pretty… feminine impression.

“Uh… heh… is this what I get for staying up too late? It's probably just–”

He suddenly gasped and jerked his arms up mid-sentence, freaked out by something fuzzy he felt on the sides of his head. But when he realized it wasn't anything alive, he quickly scurried over to the body mirror in his room…

Once there, he looked at his head and saw two long and blonde extensions of his hair reaching past his shoulders. In fact, all of his previously black hair suddenly looked that same shade of blonde. And right before his eyes, he watched the newly made pigtails neatly braid themselves. He also felt some touching his neck, and he turned to his side to see it growing gradually past it.

He also noticed the sleeves on his shirt slowly but surely getting shorter, exposing his arms. His eyes widened in pure shock at how his once tan arms were now just as pale as his hands, and whatever muscles he had in them were now either compressing or vanishing completely. His arms now gave a very feminine look like his hands, and they seemed just as delicate.

“O-Okay, I'm… definitely dreaming,” he said quietly as he prepared to pinch himself, “once I feel pain I'll definitely wake up and– ACK!”

He was interrupted mid-sentence again by the sudden jolt of his hips as they cracked outwards, and they had a disturbing sound to boot. He felt a similar one in his shoulders when they pressed inwards, and his torso narrowed out to boot. Having felt two very real strikes of pain, Peter now watched in fear with the knowledge that this was actually happening.

And just when he couldn't be more shocked, he also felt a bit of fat building up in his chest. He felt it in concern before it suddenly built up in mass and grew out to what looked and felt just like two small breasts. Just as he realized what they were, he felt a weird stinging feeling between his legs, which went away as quickly as it came. The nothingness he felt between his legs was a pretty good indication of what exactly was going on.

“Oh… no…” she said quietly with a face red with embarrassment, “this is… too much…”

This was all while her legs and feet were becoming as pale as her arms, and they gradually became as delicate and feminine. Her legs became a lot smoother and softer as most of her muscle replaced with soft fat. They also became a bit taller, so by now her pants were just about ready to tear off of her. They tightly pressed against her legs and hips, but obviously she didn't want to take them off…

But before she even had a chance to, her now sleeveless shirt and pants seemed to be fusing together. Once they were one article, her pant legs quickly retreated like her shirt sleeves, forming one hole that both of her legs went through. From there, everything from the hips up shrunk down and comfortably reshaped to better fit the skinny torso and new breasts she now had. The rest of it grew out to form a wide skirt for the dress-in-progress, which was also lightening in color to white with a transparent lining around the skirt edges.

“Wait…” Peter said in shock as he stared at the dress, “Don't tell me that's what I think it is…”

He more closely examined the white dress, with the familiar debutante style on her feminine body. This was coupled with her shoes and socks, which were turning white as well and reshaping to match the style. The shoes were becoming simple and laceless with three holes on top of each, and the socks were softening and growing past her thighs, where they folded neatly.

Once those finished forming, her look confirmed everything she was thinking.

“L-Lillie!” she almost shouted, instantly recognizing who she was looking like, “H-How did… ugh…”

She then had trouble with her voice, since it was raising in pitch even as she was speaking. It didn't help that her Adam’s apple was shrinking in size, giving her a more feminine voice to match her new form. By the time it was gone, she definitely sounded the part, and she had no way of returning to her original voice.

Sighing, she looked back into the mirror, this time right at her face. By now her hair had finished growing out, now as far as her back with two bangs partially covering the sides of her face. Her face was also just as pale as the rest of her, and it was gradually rearranging itself to match how it'd look on a girl her age. Her nose also shrunk to a comedically small size only cartoons could make look normal, and her eyes took the opposite approach of enlarging. Her irises recolored to an elegant bright green, and her eyelashes extended in length a bit.

Literally topping everything off was the materializations of Lillie’s signature hat, an extremely wide white one with a blue ribbon attached. It fit the rest of her clothing in terms of style, and it concluded the changes completely.

And that gave Peter a moment to actually calm down and think things over, now that she knew exactly what happened to her.

“Okay…” she could only say, taking deep breaths, “this is… crazy… but how could… WAIT!”

She quickly rushed to the Switch she left on the table, starting to piece things together more. She didn't know how she'd forget about it mid-transformation, but it's hard to think smartly when fantasy becomes reality so fast.

And just as she suspected, the loading progress bar was now at 100%. There were no more questions now.

“That freaking Perspective Switch!” she said with a slight tone of anger in her voice, “Of course they had to scare the hell out of me without a warning…”

She sat down in concern, unsure of what to do at this point. She at least liked the character enough to not dislike the body too much, but it was still hard to be excited when no one would be able to know that she wasn't just some cosplaying stranger in someone else’s house. Thankfully her parents wouldn't be home until the weekend, that gave her some time…

But she widened her eyes in panic when she remembered that Gab was still on her way over. Wouldn't be too long until she came!

“It's… okay…” Peter said with more deep breaths, trying not to panic, “no big deal… just gotta not let her in…”

“Guess who made it!” she then heard upstairs from Gab’s voice, “Front door was unlocked, sorry if I let myself in!”

That's when Peter suddenly got panicked again, having no idea what to do in this situation. But she could already hear Gab coming down the stairs!

“N-NO!” she shouted, trying but failing to sound masculine, “I’m… sick!”

“That trick’s not gonna work on me a fifth time,” Gab laughed, “and why do you sound so… uh…”

Peter cowered a bit, though that didn't stop Gab from staring at her in pure confusion. But Gab only continued coming down the stairs.

“Oh… hello,” Gab said in a friendly voice, “um… nice cosplay, are you… another friend? Or…”

“W-Well,” Peter blushed slightly, giving up on the voice thing, “I'm… actually Peter…”

“Heh… right,” Gab chuckled, “either you got a complete makeover in 4 minutes or you're not actually—”

“I am!” Peter insisted, feeling a bit shorter-tempered for some reason, “It's… just a weird story is all.”

“Yeah, totally. Then I hope you don't mind me asking you what my dog’s n—”


“Oh… lucky guess, but only he'd know where I've always wanted to—”

“New York.”

“… Peter?! What happened to you?!”

Peter sighed and explained the whole story. She was also nice enough to let Gab examine her more, though she drew the line at feeling her more sensitive regions. And her hair, of course.

“Wow… that's pretty crazy,” Gab said as she scratched her head, “is the game still on?”

“Yeah, I was too nervous what'd happen if I shut it,” Peter responded as she lead her friend to the system.

Gab still did find it hard to believe that a system like this could do something like this to her friend, but she was also more curious than nervous. It was freaky in a sense, but it was also really interesting to see from her friend. And she was definitely surprised it wasn't showcased by Nintendo or something, assuming Peter was actually telling the truth…

Looking at the screen, a dialogue box on the top asked Player 2 to press the X button on the right Joy-Con.

“What, this controller?” Gab asked, absentmindedly pressing the button herself.

“GAB, NO!”

The button delivered a hearty shock to her finger as Peter feared, and she looked at Gab in worry as she shook the pain away. They both noticed the loading screen reappear.

“That… can't be good,” Peter worriedly said.

“Um… heh, it's okay,” Gab nervously chuckled, scratching the back of her hand, “I mean, what's the worst that can happen?”

Peter didn't respond, as she was too focused on Gab’s hands. Gab looked down to see why, and that's when she saw why: her hands had become a bright shade of blue with sparkles all over. Not only that, but she was having a lot of trouble moving them, like they could ever move to begin with.

“M-My hands!” Gab panicked as she tried to shake her hands to get a feel for them again. All that she really accomplished was sprinkling gases and dust around the room, and before long that's all her hands were: round masses of nebula gas and stardust attached to her arms.

“Stop getting that in my face!” Peter said as she stepped back, wiping the stardust off of herself. She already figured full well what was happening to her friend, so at this rate there wasn't much to panic about.

“I'm… sorry!” Gab said, dashing over to the other room for a mirror.

But in doing so, she only sent herself hurtling in the air. The whole rest of her body was taking on a gaseous state similar to her hands, and she was dropping weight like it was nothing; she couldn't stop herself from flying right into the wall and crashing into it. Not that it hurt much, since she was just barely solid enough to feel an impact.

“Okay, n-now I'm panicking!” she shouted, feeling her legs beginning to vanish into nothingness.

“Uh… it's-it's okay,” Peter said, trying to keep Gab calm, “you'll b-be alright, just don't freak out!”

Gab tried to take deep breaths, though even that became harder as her nose began to shrink back into her face. Speaking of shrinking, she was getting smaller by the second, and her gassy arms couldn't do anything to stop all of her clothes from falling off… not that it mattered anymore, now that her gassy torso had removed almost every distinct feature of it. She now lacked hips, breasts, any sense of gender, just a gradually rounding torso attached to her shrinking arms and neck.

But even her neck wouldnt be there for long as it practically vanished into her chest. With her head now attached to her torso, the two blended together so all of Gab’s facial features took their place right on her now almost spherical body. Not that there was much to combine; just her eyes and mouth. Her hair had fallen right out and her ears vanished into the air, though she somehow didn't lose her hearing ability.

“Are you… okay?” Peter asked Gab, feeling concern for her as she dug for a handheld mirror.

“I… I don't know,” Gab responded, feeling disorientated by her new body, “I can't really pew anyth— uh, I mew I p—”

Gab groaned, now struggling to say anything comprehensible as her dominant language slipped right off her tongue. This was coupled with a voice that rose in pitch, and it happened while her mouth shrunk to be simple and toothless. Her arms finished shrinking and also rearranging on her body, now wisp-like purple extensions on her mostly purple body. Her face remained black, with bright blue circles where her cheeks would be as her eyes flushed completely yellow. Once she finally finished shrinking, now a mere 8 inches tall, a yellow ellipse ran around her body vertically, except for the face.

With that, Gab’s changes had concluded, and the loading screen had reached 100%. Gab could only helplessly flail around, not at all accostumed to anything about her new form.

“Pew pew…” she complained, still not even sure what exactly happened to her.

“This might be hard to take in,” Peter sighed, finding a mirror and holding it in front of her.

Gab gasped and stared in the most disbelief she'd ever felt. The helpless nebula Pokémon Cosmog, specifically the character Nebby, stared at her from the mirror, shocked to see herself as a creature that isn't even supposed to exist. And with shock came a lot of fear.

She knew what being like this meant: she'd have to learn to fly, she could barely do anything on her own anymore, no one could understand what she says, she'd probably have to hide all the time in public, she couldn't even do cool attacks like every other Pokémon…

“Pew pew pew!” she cried, covering her eyes with her “hands” and whining a lot.

It did kind of break Peter’s heart to see her friend in such a horrible mood… she knew what Nebby was like in the games. Defenseless and in need of a lot of support. And that's how Gab seemed right now.

“D-Don't worry, Gab…” she said softly, wrapping her arms around her for a hug, “we can… get through this together, I promise you…”


Peter rubbed Gab’s back softly for support. Gab actually enjoyed it more than she thought she would… but whatever the case, it made her feel a lot better. And just like the character she's become, she felt a sudden huge liking for her friend now that she was showing such kindness to her.

“Pew pew!” Gab cheered, trying her best to hug Peter back.

“Heh, that's the spirit!” Peter giggled, “Gotta admit too, you're actually pretty adorable!”

“Pew!” Gab responded, making a cute face that only made Peter giggle harder.

Peter released Gab from her grasp and softly patted her head. Seeing each other happy definitely lightened the mood.

“Let's go back to the game,” Peter then said as she walked to the Switch, “that's probably where we'll find the answer to this.”


Gab followed closely behind her. Peter sat down in one of the chairs and picked up the left Joy-Con, using it to get to the next menu.

The game then prompted them to finally begin their journey. There was also a notice that things would go back to normal once the main game was completed… it wasn't too specific, but they didn't have trouble guessing what it meant.

“Well this might take a while… but whatever, ready, Gab?”


Peter slid the right Joy-Con over to Gab, who tried her best to keep her “hands” where they needed to be on it. From there, Peter hit ► to begin the game.

But instead of a loading screen, the Switch screen lit up as bright as it could've possibly been, blinding them both.

“Pew pew!” Gab screamed in fear.

“Agh… what's wrong with it now?!”

Peter closed her eyes to try and cope with the whiteness that stayed in her vision for a while. She wasn't sure how long it'd stay like this, but she couldn't take a gamble if she wanted to keep her eyesight.

But as she did this, she couldn't help but feel a breeze hit her… which was off putting, considering how she was indoors the whole time. She finally opened her eyes to get an answer to why… and she found herself outside. Not just outside, but on a dirt trail in a somewhat familiar environment.

“What?!” she almost shouted as she looked around, “Don't tell me we just… we couldn't have…”

She was then interrupted by the sound of muffled screams from below. She looked down in worry to notice a familiar Poké Ball colored bag, which had something pushing at it from the inside.

“Oh. Why am I not surprised…”

She unzipped the bag and Gab came flying out in an instant. She was panicking pretty bad, unprepared for getting trapped in a dark bag and even more panicked when she started looking around.

“Pew pew?”

“Uh… I don't want you to panic too much, but… I think we might be in Alola…”

“Pew? Pew!”

It definitely did look that way as they continued observing. From the distance they could see a building that looked suspiciously like the backside of a Pokémon Center, and wild Pikipek soaring high above them in the sky, the grass that shook with wild creatures lurking. There was no question that they'd landed right into the game world.

“Pew! Pew pew!” Gab suddenly cheered in excitement, flying right towards a patch of grass where she saw a Pichu ear.

“NO!” Peter shouted for her safety, barely grabbing onto Gab before she could make it over there.

“Pew pew!” Gab said in a saddened voice that she couldn't go see the cute little guys.

“Look… I know you want to see them but we really can't risk that until we get something that can fight. You're not the kind of Pokémon that should be out like this, anyways… it's not safe at all for you.”

“P-Pew!” Gab trembled, remembering what Lillie’s method of safety meant.

“What? Oh… well no, I wouldn't force you to—”

Peter stopped talking upon hearing human footsteps nearby. Panicking, she instinctively shoved Gab into the bag and zipped it up before she could make too much noise… but thankfully it was just a couple of normal people who passed right by.

“Oh, um… sorry Gab!” Peter said as she unzipped the bag, “I thought they might've been members of— wait… where'd you go?!”

“Pew!” she heard from behind.

Peter gasped and turned around to see that a chuckling Gab had somehow gotten out while it was zipped.

“You know Teleport already?” she sighed, “I knew this'd be impossible mode…”

“Pew pew!” Gab laughed, trying to sound cheerful.

“Aww, I can't be mad at that face!” Peter giggled, “I guess I shouldn't be too cynical about this… I'm sure we'll have fun here. Just promise me you'll stay out of trouble?”

“Pew!” Gab nodded cutely, crossing her nonexistent fingers.

“Then I trust ya!” Peter smiled as she patted Gab again, “Now let's go find Kukui and see if he'll lend us something to fight with.”

From there, they set off to the beach of Melemele Island to his lab. They weren't sure what other surprises the game would throw at them next, and they knew they'd probably be as sudden as everything else that happened today, but at this stage they were ready for it. They came to have fun and now they had a whole adventure to get through together.

Needless to say, they'd come back with a lot of beta-tester feedback…
:iconcrazynaut: as Peter
:icongabriele1205: as Gab

Had this idea in my head for a while. Wanted to create a story where my bestest bud on the Internet and I turn into a duo of characters (and I do plan to do another soon), and I've also wanted to do a trainer & Pokémon partner story for a long time. And, well, Nebby was the cutest partner there was and the only one synonymous with a female trainer I could think of (I'm kinda new to the franchise, don't judge me), so it only figured I'd be writing this!

I forgot how hard double TFs are, too… it's just hard finding out how to incorporate both into a story and not make them seem awkward. But I think I pulled through, just took a bit of extra dialogue to get right. Still, this was a really fun story to write; Lillie and Nebby made for cool TFs and the whole plot was fun to write out. I guess I didn't realize how little I've been writing plain-old "play a game and change" plots, but it's nice to finally be back to them! I guess that's also why I got the last two stories out kinda quickly, the words I need come out much faster! Whatever that means.

So yeah, get used to seeing Gab in a good chunk of future stories (I'm actually already writing one). Also, for the sake of keeping his/her gender a mystery, I'll never use one specific one for every story… just whichever one I find convenient. In this case I figured female would be more interesting just for the sake of finding your friend had become the same gender. Or something like that.

Anyways, I put a lot of heart into this one, so I hope you enjoy! I sure did.

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